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Application Conc
Telecom Concepts Application Conc


Video Surveillance
Traffic Surveillance
Pilgrim Id
Pre-pay by Mobile

Application Concepts

CNE Consulting is a consulting company for strategic and technical business development in client companies. The Company works as an integrator of various services using technical edge platforms and has by time developed several concepts of applications and many value-added services useful to operators, authorities and end-users. Here are some major concepts.

Video Surveillance
With a special Video Surveillance system (VideONet) and fixed or mobile video cameras and with fixed or mobile video monitors the following examples of services ...

Traffic Surveillance
In combination with radar, digital photo and video – the concept contains fully automatic systems for ...

Pilgrim Identification Services
Millions of Muslims are visiting Mecca every year doing the Pilgrimage (Hajj or Umrah). Being so many people within a fairly small area causes security issues ...

Pre-payment Services by Mobile Phone
This Concept is based on the fact that there for some years ahead will be a great need in every country for alternative payment solutions. Most banks are not allowing ...